One product that keeps selling long after the others have been tossed away and forgotten. Magnets are an effective and low cost way to attract your customers. Personalized with your services and your contact information, magnets are a proven marketing tool for keeping your message in front of your clients. Add a schedule or calendar to give your customer a handy reference tool that will be used and saved.
» Stick to refrigerators, filing cabinets, appliances, vending machines, lockers and any other metal surface. At 25 mil thickness, they will hold paper and more.
» Perfect for service contractors, pet care professionals, computer services, real estate professionals, insurance agents, restaurants, pest control services, heating & cooling services, medical care professionals, announcements, etc.
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Type of Imprint:
5.5" x 8.5"
Imprint Area:
Same as product with 1/8" margin
24.8# per 250
Shipping from:
Bulk from 66030
Production Time:
8 Business days
Rush Available:
Less than Minimum:
Please use our "Ask a Question..." feature for shipping quote requests. Submit your City, Zip Code, Qty., and preferred carrier with your request.